Randomly funny things to laugh about today. (You’re Welcome!) Cause you know, the laughter is...
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Random Sayings
Inspiring words can be powerful self-help catalysts for change or simply heart warming. So, get...
“Drawn” With Wire
Interesting 3D sculptural works created by German artist Martin Senn. From afar these pieces look...
Realization of a Child’s Imagination
The simple idea of making a recognizable comfort toy for a 4 year-old boy based on his drawing...
So True and Funny
Funny and interesting pictures from all over the internet. “Every day may not be...
Under the Influence of Poe
This short film by Saskia Kretzschmann, depicts the cycle of life in a series of smooth transitions...
Pretty Things
Beautifully done…Nice combination of colours! This can be an interesting source of...
Around the World
These vintage posters from around the world will tempt the romantic wanderluster in you all.
Rock Art
The art of painting on rocks or stone is a fine and creative art For it we need: smooth flat...
Words, Words, Words …
Quotes to encourage you, to inspire you, and for you to share with others.
Ladybugs Obsession
Ladybugs a very beneficial group of insects and they can really help you control pests in your...
Troubled by Something
Sculptures that provoke strong feelings to the people. What’s the intention behind this? They...