Japanese photographer Massayuki Oki captures the urban cats in Tokyo in all their adorable and...
Category - Animals
LEGO animals by Felix Jaensch
German artist Felix Jaensch creates these amazing LEGO animal sculptures. Such a lifelike LEGO...
Butterflies on the head of a caiman
Colourful butterflies gathered on the head of a caiman photographed by Mark Cowan. He made this...
Embroidered Pets in Pockets by Hiroko Kubota
Hiroko Kubota, is a Japanese embroidery artist who started a project when her son requested if a...
Funny illustrations created because of a woman
Brazilian illustrator Rafael Mantesso, started to create these funny illustrations thanks to his ex...
Glass animals by Nikita Drachuk
Meet Ukrainian glass artist Nikita Drachuk who creates amazing glass figurines of animals and...
Animals beautifully captured in silhouette
Take a picture, not a trophy. This is how real men shoot animals… with camera. It is so much...
Colorful sea slugs
These colorful nudibranchs or sea slugs inhabit oceans all over the world. They have incredibly...
Beautiful bird photographs
Birds are the music, decoration and character of every terrestrial habitat on the planet and bird...
Animals you have never seen as babies
Here are some animals that we all recognize, but never see as babies. Our planet is filled with so...
Baby animals with their mothers
A polar bear with her little cub, adorable tiger cubs with their mom, mother elephant with her...
Cat thieves
“Honest as a cat when the meat’s out of reach” Cats always sound hungry, and tired, and...