Animals Art Images Images

Glass animals by Nikita Drachuk

Written by LelaMay

Meet Ukrainian glass artist Nikita Drachuk who creates amazing glass figurines of animals and plants using the technique of lampworking (A type of glasswork where a torch or lamp is primarily used to melt the glass. Once in a molten state, the glass is formed by blowing and shaping with tools and hand movements.) Each figurine is unique and all the glass animals are hand made. Just perfect for collecting. 
glass figurine animals hand blown animal figurines hand blown animal figurines hand blown animal figurines hand blown animal figurines by Nikita Drachuk hand blown animal figurines spider hand blown animal figurines by Nikita Drachuk hand blown animal figurines blue octopus hand blown animal figurines hand blown animal figurines spider hand blown animal figurines frog hand blown animal figurines fish Nikita Drachuk

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